domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

Galletas de jengibre - Gingerbread cookies

Este fin de semana experimentamos y probamos a hacer galletas de jengibre para un amante del jengibre :-) Aunque no quedaron como las de ikea, el sabor era bastante bueno lo único que quedaron un poco duras. La receta la cogimos de aquí.

Las metimos en un bote de cristal, le pusimos una etiqueta, un lazo y ya tenemos un regalo la mar de chulo.

This weekend we tried out to make gingerbread cookies for a ginger lover :-) Although they were not such as Ikea, the taste was pretty good but they were a little hard. The recipe was caught from here. We put them in a glass jar, put a label, a ribbon and we have a fantastic gift.

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